A comic strip is a series of pictures that could or could not have words so they could be pictures of colour and famous characters without writing. There's that then the part which could have writing.
Comic books have been around since 1933 which isn’t that long ago but I guess it was. Comic’s have been ion different companies lets say from DC to Marvel or Alien to Predator. There is even comics on Star wars. There are varieties of different comic book companies.
Digital comic books are just copies of the real life comic books but instead of it being in a book it is in a I-pad, laptop, Computer or Phone. To be specific Modern phones.
All comics are just small writing pieces. They just have one sentence for each picture well for each character in different pages of the comic. So it's not like the hobbit where there's like ONE BILLION WORDS! Or a child's book with like 15 pages with words and pictures.
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