
Monday, 1 March 2021

Māui and the Sun

Māui and the Sun


Highlight the correct answer for each question.

Write an answer if required


1. What was the reason Māui’s brothers gave about the sunlight?

Answer: it would always fast so they didn’t get enough time to fish and do their chores.

2. When Māui said he could tame the sun what did his brothers do at his announcement?

      a) They applauded him b) They patted him on the back 

      c) They gave him a cake d) They laughed at him 

3.What did Māui instruct his brothers whanau to collect?

  1. Kina b) Hay

      c)  Harakeke d) Ropes


4. Describe what Māui did with the harakeke:

Answer: Maui had made enough rope to make a net to capture the sun. 

5. Where did Māui and his brothers hide waiting for the sun to awaken?

  1. In caves and behind trees b) Under trees

      c)  In the lake d) In caves

6. What is the Māori name for the sun?

Answer: tamanuitera  

7. What did Māui use to attack the sun?

  1. His hook b) His magical jaw bone

      c) His brothers d) Harakeke

8) Describe the argument between Tamanuiterā and Māui:

Answer: Maui wanted the sun to go slower so the sun gave up cause he knew he was defeated so now the sun goes slow forever 

9) How did Māui’s brothers smile?

       a) with pride b) with jealousy 

       c) with love d) with kindness

10) Describe what happened with the sun after that day:

Answer: he went slow forever and ever 


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